Monday, February 28, 2011

Birth Stories

The nurse came bursting into the room- "Excuse miss, you have visitors. Shall i let them in to see you?"
"I don't even have my make up on yet! Give me some time and then you can let them in."
The nurse, who coincedentaly didn't have a scrap of make up on her face begrudgingly walked away. Laura sighed and took the Lancome foundation out of her pink make up bag and applied it to fresh face. She knew that everyone would have a camera and she wanted to look her best. No one wants to look back on the photos from one of the best days of their life looking pale and tired. No. Defintely not tired. Need. More. Conceler.

No longer than 5 minutes later the nurse came bursting back into the room declaring that she was going to let the visitors in as they were getting impatient- that was sure to be Laura's Mum, Ann. This nurse had obviously never done her make up in her life before as Laura hadn't even finished her mascara yet. She succumbed to the over bearing nurse that probably thought Rimmel was a car manufacturer, and let her family come in.

Everyone cooed over the little brown cherub that lay in Laura's arms. With a mane of thick black hair and long eyelashes she was everything Laura had dreamed of. From the moment she was born, Ruby was an observer. A busy body. Her huge brown eyes wide open. She wanted to see everything that was happening around her. And to this day she is still the same.

My subject was young when she was pregnant, 18, and 19 when she eventually gave birth, and i think this was a major impact on the process. She was heavily influenced by everyone else's advice as she was young and though that this was the best way to deal with it. There wasn't a doubt in her mind that she should go to hospital, rather than opting for a home birth as that was the norm. Although it is also the norm now I think that it has become more popular recently. Although maybe it is the most popular choice for a reason.
Hospital vs home, and do age and time have a difference on the decision?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure the yummy Mummy brigade won't like this, but I think home birthing is selfish. What if you need medical intervention? Aren't you just putting your baby and yourself at risk? I am always amazed so many Midwives support this choice.

    I think women feel pressured to be 'earth Mothers' and give birth without pain relief. For what end? Is it another element of competition among women? Who can suffer the most? What does that prove? It's archaic.
