Tuesdays with Morrie follows the journey of a dying man,Morrie, and his student Mitch Albom. Through Morrie's unconventional approach to death Mitch gets fascinating insights, and wisdom from a man slowly sufferring a cripling disease.
In one of the initial chapters of the book Mitch rediscovers his old teacher as he's on the news. This was an important point for me as I feel the only comforting part in death is that it makes you realise how fragile life is, and thus appreciate everything that much more.
"And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too- even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling." -pg 61
I loved this quote and brought it up many times in discussion. I found it so inspriational and inspiring that someone in a position such as this would still have so much wisdom and hope. Much like when your in a dark room you need to search for the light, you always need to have hope because if you don't have that, what do you have? I actually think this is one of my favourite quotes. This can be related to dying as if you do not have hope, the process will criple you not only physically, but mentally aswell.
"Mitch, I don't allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that's all." pg 57
I think Morrie's approach to death is fascinating, and if everyone in the world thought like him we wouldn't have a stigma about death or dying, but embrace it. We might be scared deep down, but we would embrace the new experiences and insights that it had brought to our life.
"Love wins. Love always wins." pg 40
I just loved this quote, because to me, the true meaning of life is love.
Morrie's approach to dying does not demonstrate how the masses view death. He embraces it and does not wallow in self-pity like others. I found this so inspirational, and even though i'm not sure I would approach it the same way, I found it extremely interesting.
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