Thursday, January 6, 2011

HMW 24 #3

Throughout my Tuesdays with Morrie, I have learnt alot about myself. Through his unconventional insights about life and death I have learnt what is truely meaningful in life and how worthless everything but family, life and love is. Morries funeral was simple. He wanted no fuss as he didn't want others to mourn him. He had a ceremony when he was alive in which all his loved ones were to pay tribute to him. He cried. I cried. Everyone cried. But yet it was a cry of joy, not upset. I will miss Morrie, but I've been told to go to his grave to talk to him. And although this may be upsetting to others, it seems normal to me. Even comforting.

"As you grow old, you learn more. If you stayed twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not a decay you know, its growth." pg (118)
I loved the way that the author approached this. I think in todays society there is a growing fear of getting old. With woman in there 50's aspiring to look like they are in their twenty's with the use of plastic surgery and 'miracle creams' there is no longer such a concept as 'growing old gracefully.' Although I may feel different when I get older I'm confused as to why women do not embrace the knowledge and wiseness you obtain with age.

"Death ends a life, not a relationship" (pg 174) I wasn't sure whether the author was trying to say that although when you break up with someone it may feel like the end of the world, like your life has come crashing down, really the only defining end to life is death. As that is the only thing that can stop your world, and you will not understand that until you experience it yourself.

Reading this book has confirmed that there is no way I want to die of a disease. Although Morrie has dealt with his illness in an incredible way, I'm not sure I would have an epiphany like him. I think seeing my friends and family torn apart by watching my body slowly cripple would be heartbreaking and would rather just have an instant death.

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